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ByMarie Tierney , Marie Tierney


Nearly all teachers I worked with habitually excuse Hitler

In 20 years of teaching, Marie Tierney says she has seen colleagues undermine unique historical horror of the Holocaust

October 18, 2018 09:44
4 min read

I cannot say I’m surprised by the failure of Labour’s new, radical members to fully grasp the meaning of antisemitism. They are young, after all, and most will have gone to state schools. As an assistant teacher for 16 years, I encountered numerous examples of antisemitism being taught — sometimes unknowingly — in England’s classrooms. Nearly all of the teachers I encountered had uncritically absorbed antisemitic tropes at their universities and teacher training colleges, much of it dressed up as “anti-Zionism”.

For instance, Year Sevens are taught about the Black Death in RE, a lesson I often observed. Children were nearly always told that the Jews were blamed at the time for the plague, but this was rarely presented as an example of an antisemitic falsehood. Indeed, the teachers usually left open the question of whether the Jews really were responsible.

That meant that when the children were taught about the Holocaust in Year Nine, it was not uncommon for children to respond by saying, “But Sir! The Jews DID give us the Plague though… ‘coz you said so in Year Seven!”

Twenty years ago, when I first embarked on my career, teachers were a mixed bunch politically: left-wing, right-wing and non-partisan all toiled together without bringing their political biases into their work.