I am not one to see antisemitism lurking behind every corner and take an optimistic view of life, but I am extremely worried by the proposed takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk.
I have no objections to him personally, but I am concerned by the reason he states as his motivation - to give it more freedom.
What sounds admirable in theory could turn out to be horrendous in practice. We know from the internet how what was supposed to be a Garden of Eden for knowledge and communication has turned, in part, to a hell-hole of vile rants and criminal activity.
Twitter, which is not perfect, but is still a reasonable forum for discussion, could become much more toxic if freedom is allowed to reign supreme - freedom to lie, freedom to libel, or freedom to threaten.
True freedom does not mean a free-for-all, which quickly descends into an anarchy that impinges on human rights. Unless moderated carefully, Twitter could become a cesspit for religious fanaticism and a hotbed of political toxicity.