ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard
Clive links to a piece on what he rightly calls "some of the murkier stuff' washing around the internet" about Obama.
I hate to link to the Brussels Journal again, but I think a recent post there is a pretty typical (and typically obnoxious) example of what we are in for. The headline gives it away: The First Muslim-Born Leader of the West The piece begins thus: If I had been asked two months ago “Which Western country runs the greatest risk of electing a Muslim-born leader and how soon do you think this is going to happen?” I would have bet on the Netherlands somewhere in the next decade. Today, it looks as if the first Western country with a Muslim-born leader might very well be the United States next year, when President Barack Hussein Obama enters the Oval Office.You get the picture: ...In America, Mr. Obama’s Muslim family background (unlike Mr. Romney’s Mormonism) is a non-issue because he attends a Christian church. Nevertheless, being born from a Muslim father, raised by a Muslim stepfather, having been enrolled at school (in Indonesia) as a Muslim and having attended Friday prayers at the local mosque as a young boy, he cannot be seen by Muslims as anything but a Muslim, especially because he has never explicitly rejected the faith of his fathers nor said anything negative about it.
So he might call himself a Christian but we all know he's really, ugh, a MUSLIM.
Now if you think the piece itself is bad enough, have a read of the comments - comments which the Brussels Journal is clearly happy to have. Here's a selection: BHO has a big-big "debt" that will come due, at just the right time, from his childhood Islam and Muslim fathers. This note will be collected, from B. Hussein make no mistake...and like Europe, many of us will accept it, happily. If anything Barack says AND does proves me wrong...I will be the first to re-cant. I don't think that Obama even knows what America, Christianity, or the West truly is. With the MOST leftist voting record in all of the Senate, how could he?
I wondered when you Americans would realise that you are about to put a Muslim into the White House , with his finger on the nuclear trigger .
Obama reminds me of an unexploded bomb: he comes across as someone who's trying to hide or suppress strong emotion. Whether or not he's strongly influenced by Islam, there's no doubt he has one thing in common with Muslims: he has a deep resentment for whites, perhaps an outright hatred. Remember that liberals fawned on Mugabe too, before what non-liberals saw from the beginning became obvious even to liberals. UPDATE: Some of the comments and emails I have received miss the point, saying that I believe Obama's race means he should be above criticism. Not in the least: I'm a big McCain supporter and want to see Obama defeated by HRC in the primaries. But that's because of his his policies. Why is that so difficult to understand, for those who think that comments about his "big-big "debt" that will come due, at just the right time, from his childhood Islam and Muslim fathers" are acceptable?