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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


More M&S woes

August 5, 2008 24:00
1 min read

I wrote last month about one of the problems with M&S. But it's clear that there is a lot more wrong with M&S than its obsession with Ms Klass.

Yesterday I had some spare time and wandered in to the Oxford Street branch as I needed a pair of shoes. Will I never learn?

It's been a good couple of years since I was there, but I remembered that one of the strong points of M&S shoes is that they are nothing fancy - good solid traditional shoes - and that one can try on all sorts of shapes and sizes easily.

No more. First, it seemed as if they didn't have a single pair of 'normal' shoes - the entire range now appears to consist of 'designer' shoes with all sorts of trendy designs and patterns on the leather. I'm sure I'm not alone in going to M&S specifically to avoid such fashions. I don't want to look like a sad 43 year old trying to look 25. I want to look my age, with nornal - boring, perhaps - shoes.