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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


Moaning lefties

May 1, 2008 24:00
2 min read

If anything was needed to convince me that it is essential that Boris wins, this dreadful feature in the Grauniad would be it. I don't mean the silly piece by Zoe Williams, who appears not to have noticed that Boris' opponent is proud to embrace a man who demands that gay men should be stoned and who honours suicide murderers. I mean the idiotic quotes afterwards: Vivienne Westwood
Fashion designer

"Boris as mayor? Unthinkable. It just exposes democracy as a sham, especially if people don't vote for Ken - he's the best thing in politics. Unthinkable." That's what it boils down to, really. Any vote for someone with whom you don't agree is a 'sham'. I imagine the quote was in fact from Robert Mugabe and the subs got it mixed up with the views of a woman who designs dresses, because, well, you would leave all poliitcal decisions to a clothes designer, wouldn't you? Bonnie Greer
