If anything was needed to convince me that it is essential that Boris wins, this dreadful feature in the Grauniad would be it. I don't mean the silly piece by Zoe Williams, who appears not to have noticed that Boris' opponent is proud to embrace a man who demands that gay men should be stoned and who honours suicide murderers. I mean the idiotic quotes afterwards: Vivienne Westwood
Fashion designer
"Boris as mayor? Unthinkable. It just exposes democracy as a sham, especially if people don't vote for Ken - he's the best thing in politics. Unthinkable." That's what it boils down to, really. Any vote for someone with whom you don't agree is a 'sham'. I imagine the quote was in fact from Robert Mugabe and the subs got it mixed up with the views of a woman who designs dresses, because, well, you would leave all poliitcal decisions to a clothes designer, wouldn't you? Bonnie Greer
"Boris Johnson in the role of mayor would feel like being trapped on the set of The Wizard of Oz minus the soundtrack and the Technicolor. His election would be the ultimate triumph of the Kensington and Chelsea gulag and the Bullingdon Ascendancy. Please, London. I moved from New York City, for God's sake, to live among you. Don't choose the clown!" Ah, yes, live and let live, we're all God's children, eh, Bonnie? Unless we live in a nice part of town, in which case we are scum. Arabella Weir
Actor and writer
"I will go on hunger strike and throw myself in front of the next horse at Ascot if he wins. Failing that I was going to say I'll sleep with him, but he'd probably say yes. So instead I'll chain myself to the railings of his house. And then I'll move out of London. How do we trust a guy who says he knows about London, when he's just taken three of his kids out of state school and put them into private schools? That's a man in touch with the people. He's loathsome. He's everything that's wrong with the upper classes at their worst. Limited, pompous, without any breadth of vision or sense of inclusion. But I don't even think he thinks he's up to the job. He said it for a laugh, is my guess, and now he's got to go through with it." My favourite. At least if she's true to her word, there'll one less moaning lefty for the Grauniad to quote. But then again, if she's like most of her fellow lefties, she's lying and making a promise she has no intention of delivering on.
As for this chap: Dr Nonee Sen, 68
"Boris has as little knowledge of multiculturalism as I have of life on Jupiter. He used to go to this club in Oxford called the Bullingdon Club, full of snobs and creative conmen. The man has not only no physical ability to run anything, he is immoral and a bully. Boris as mayor would be like discovering you had piles and there was no cure for it." Not sure I'd want Dr Sen representing me in court, since he appears not to know the difference between the concepts of little and much. Unless he's an expert on life on Jupiter, he means "Boris has as much knowledge of multiculturalism..." Thanks for your opinions, thicko.