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Mel Brooks offers Jewish joy as our revenge in The Producers

The Producers is the masterpiece of American Jewish post-war culturend

January 2, 2025 07:41
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American filmmaker, actor, comedian, and composer Mel Brooks, UK, 16th February 1984. (Photo by Larry Ellis/Daily Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
3 min read

A revival of Mel Brooks’ 1967 masterpiece The Producers has opened in the Menier Chocolate Factory, a tiny London theatre. Perhaps a bigger one wouldn’t take it. More fool them: it’s already sold out. I went to the press night – that is, I saw it with a non-Jewish audience, and it was a bizarre experience. “What a funny, silly night,” said a man as we left. Because he didn’t see what I see in The Producers. Perhaps he should be in The Producers. Like the audience of Springtime for Hitler, he didn’t get it.

The Producers is the masterpiece of American Jewish post-war culture, at least for me. Perhaps it is because it ends in prison, but in song. It’s the only way I can take it: in song. Birkenau, the Jewish event of the 20th century, didn’t end in song.

Brooks, the 2,000-Year-Old Man – what a metaphor! – always rewrites history. It’s an act of rebuke, possession and control. He is Thomas de Torquemada, Moses and Louis XIV. He is a Roman comic and the waiter at the Last Supper. I don’t know if, in The Producers, Brooks set out to write something so consciously profound. My guess is not. It was just something in him.

When Jeremy Dauber wrote the essential piece of criticism Mel Brooks: Disobedient Jew, I fell on it. Serious critics often ignore Brooks. Perhaps they are too busy laughing, but Dauber thinks Brooks, despite winning the EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony), is chronically underrated. “Observe the tension between an almost slavish devotion to authority,” he writes, “and the need to remind that authority that a Jewish eye, and a Jewish tongue, can deflate even the most august of genteel (and gentile) structures. More than any other single figure of the 20th century, [Brooks] symbolises the Jewish perspective on, and contribution to, American mass entertainment.” He says Brooks often signs his letters “Your obedient Jew”. It’s both a joke and, “a snarling challenge, irony saturated”.


Mel Brooks