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Jonathan Freedland

ByJonathan Freedland, Jonathan Freedland


McCarthyism - Israeli style

January 24, 2011 10:30
2 min read

'An evil wave is sweeping over Israel" and the latest act of the Knesset "sends a warning signal: here is darkness."

Before you dash off a letter to denounce the authors of those words as hateful anti-Zionists bent on delegitimising the state of Israel, pause a moment. Because the first quotation comes from the Kadima leader Tzipi Livni and the second from Likud MK Benny Begin. What could have moved such fervent Israeli patriots to speak this way?

The answer lies in a 2-to-1 vote by Israel's parliament earlier this month to investigate the finances and activities of Israeli human-rights groups. The move is the brainchild of foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman who has had enough of troublesome dissenters. Last week, he branded such groups: "collaborators in terror," subversives who aid the delegitimisers - among them, Yesh Din, which monitors the rule of law in the West Bank; Yesh Gvul, which represents Israeli soldiers who refuse to serve in the West Bank; and, last but not least, the Ha'aretz newspaper.

When a senior politician starts accusing newspapers and pressure groups of treason, and uses his muscle to set-up a "house committee" to probe their activities, the memory begins to stir. This, according to Israelis of the left, right and centre - including the many thousands who demonstrated in Tel Aviv last weekend - is McCarthyism plain and simple.