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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


Lower than I thought possible

August 10, 2007 24:00
1 min read

I'm frankly flabbergasted by this. Regular readers will know of my disdain for Neil Clark, who seeks to silence the free expression of views through legal action and writes with love of the old days of the Warsaw Pact. But for all my disdain - nay, contempt - even I never thought to read such a truly vile piece as this by him (or indeed anyone else), let alone on a maninstream newspaper's site.

Clark expreses the view, with regard to the campaign to allow the Iraqi translators who have helped the British army in their service for the Iraqi government, that:

The interpreters did not work for "us", the British people, but for themselves - they are paid around £16 a day, an excellent wage in Iraq - and for an illegal occupying force. Let's not cast them as heroes. The true heroes in Iraq are those who have resisted the invasion of their country.