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Daniel Sugarman

ByDaniel Sugarman, Daniel Sugarman


Lockdown means I’m getting the nest ready

It's not the virus that's scaring Daniel Sugarman, it's the long list of DIY projects

May 11, 2020 13:25
3 min read

After six weeks of lockdown, I have stumbled across an epiphany; the real danger of isolating is not Covid19. After all, if you quarantine effectively, your risk of contracting coronavirus is relatively low.

No, the real threat is that you are likely to get press-ganged by your other half into 1,001 home improvement projects.

Imagine a wall, an ordinary plaster wall. To you or me, it may seem…well, nice. It’s a wall, what else is there to say about it?

As a grizzled veteran with a grand total of six months of marriage under my belt, I laugh at your foolish naïveté. That is not a wall. It is a blank canvas, on which your beloved’s imagination can run wild and free. For example, it is entirely the wrong shade of white. Perhaps we should paint it. Better still, perhaps we should attach some shelving units. And then we can paint it afterwards.