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Ben Judah

ByBen Judah, Ben Judah


Listen to the backbenchers

September 29, 2016 12:08
2 min read

Here comes Rosh Hashanah and here comes the rabbi's ever so familiar sermon. You've certainly heard it before. I've heard it more times than I can remember. The so-so-familiar Rosh Hashanah sermon chastising those Jews "who come only three times a year." But this Rosh Hashanah the congregation needs to finger-wag back at the rabbi. The question shouldn't be what is wrong with the Jews who have failed to turn up, but what is wrong with the synagogue.

This is the number-one problem with our synagogues. They are treated like clubhouses not communities. The rabbi lavishes his attention on the frum core, who are personally invited to everything, while the less frum families are pretty much ignored. This means most synagogues bizarrely mimic parliament (just without the opposition) with active, included "frontbenchers" from the frum families and forgotten - frankly excluded - "backbenchers".

Your average synagogue makes no effort to include, encourage and let alone explain anything to the "backbenchers". As a result, this is more or less what they get from the synagogue: a High Holy Day handshake, a funeral, and some glossy stuff in the post. It should come as little surprise they come only three times a year. Let's face up to it, for "backbenchers", shul is just not welcoming. It really should surprise nobody that Jewish household synagogue membership has shrunk 23 per cent since 1983.

Clubhouse synagogues create an atmosphere whereby frum families treat the synagogue like private members whilst the less observant and ignored ones feel embarrassed - and left out - because of gaps in their Jewish knowledge. This may have been all right in the 1950s but, today, "three-times-a-year" Jews are the majority in all non-Charedi shuls. Good Torah and knowledge is the exception, not the rule.