
Liberal conversion of a gay man, pelvic muscle and legal issues

September 4, 2010 18:32
1 min read

It was Livingston's World's 10th week anniversary broadcasting on jnetradio.com and we were in a joyful mood.

The show started very well. Judith Landhausser, Women’s Health Physiotherapist shared her knowledge about maintaining well being and a very tight pelvic muscle. No need to expand on why that is desirable.

Then it was a tribute to the New Year, a beautiful rendition of Jerusalem the Golden snuck in amid the rock songs and we shared some funny anecdotes of how far people have gone to remedy their past wrongs. It took one guy 50 years to locate the people he stole a packet of Jaffa cakes from.

Graham joined us as a guest to talk about his reasons for converting to Judaism. He is gay and married to a Jewish man. A story of love and commitment spanning 20 years, the last four as a married couple.

He is undergoing conversion at West Central synagogue, a liberal synagogue "with a mish mash of all sorts of people". West Central is a gateway to Jewish culture that would otherwise be denied some people. The conversion is being supervised by a female rabbi. Why is he doing it? Because he loves the sense of community being Jewish allows.

Graham told us he "hates intolerance". So do we Graham.

We did have a couple of complaints as the passion got the better of Graham while he told his story and a couple of swear words found their way into his language. Graham and Jnet apologise.

Moving on swiftly, our resident legal eagle extra-ordinaire Edward Lishak (www.frederickrinesolicitors.com) gave a round robin of the most popular topics he had covered in the previous weeks.

He explained what to do if you buy a dodgy car, the rights of couple co-habiting, pre-nups, bad debts, rights over children and why it is so important to make a will. Turns out the 4 out of 5 of us in the studio had no will!

Livingston's World is taking a break this week and wish all our listeners a Chag Sameach.
