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The JC Letters Page August 4 2017

Walter Nicholls, Clive A Lawton, Elliot Harris , Johnny Cohen, Ruth Lewis, M Schachter and Liz Gould and Hilda Worth share their views with JC readers

August 4, 2017 13:49
5 min read

Maccabiah standards: onwards and upwards, or decline & fall?

I refer to Eddie Edwards’s response to James Espir’s highlighting  the decline in standards and sporting excellence at the Maccabiah Games.

I would not presume to comment on sporting disciplines other than athletics but I suspect that what James wrote would apply across the board.

The plain truth is that the Games, apart from its interest to Jews only, has lost its status in the wider pantheon of international sport and is no longer recognised by sports governing bodies such as the International Olympic Committee  and IAAF as an official Area Games or Championship.

The Games have been ‘’dumbed down’’ over the years by the organising committee over-stressing that “taking part’’ is more important than good performance and this has led to a lowering of standards morphing what was once regarded as the “Jewish Olympics’’ into a giant  festival or Jamboree of Jewish Youth.