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The JC letters page, 25th May 2018

Dora Hirsh, Steven Blumgart, Michael White, Doron Zieve, David Wainwright, Daniel J. Levy, Steven Sands, Bernard Wasserstein and Dr Stanley Jacobs share their views with JC readers

May 25, 2017 14:25
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5 min read

Kaddish as protest

I found it profoundly disturbing to hear of the Kaddish being recited at Parliament square by young Jewish activists protesting against Israel’s actions on the Gaza border.

I said Kaddish over my grandmother’s body when she died. I said it at Majdanek concentration camp by a pile of human bones and ashes. I said it by a gas chamber in Auschwitz, where some of my own relatives were murdered. I’ve said it with my friends and family in genuine prayer.

I’ve never done it as a performance, in front of a camera, as a form of protest, as a stand against other parts of the Jewish community.

When I want to do those things, I discuss and I argue and I write. And I protest, but I do not mobilise sacred Jewish prayer or Jewish religious symbols. I do not put on a kippah or a tallit to make myself untouchable.