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The JC Letters Page, 22nd March 2019

Rabbi Dr Martin van den Bergh, Shmuli Krausz, Rabbi Lionel Broder, Mycal Miller, Harry Goldstein, Rabbi Naftali Schiff, Renee Bravo and Neville Landau share their views with JC readers

March 21, 2019 15:04
5 min read

Rabbis lonely and loud

As a recently retired communal rabbi, I concur with Daniel Greenberg’s remarks (Dayan’s sudden exit triggers shock waves, JC March 15). However, he neglects to mention that the position of the communal rabbi can be a very lonely and arduous one. 

I enjoyed my 40 years serving communities and felt a tremendous privilege at interacting with so many people both within and beyond my communities, as well as with Jews and non-Jews alike. Nevertheless, I was aware of the huge responsibilities I carried as a spiritual leader. 

Therefore, while I agree with Daniel Greenberg’s assertion that communal rabbis need to be more professional, accountable and open to regular reviews, they also need to have support just as any other professional. I have advocated for a long time a panel of confidential counsellors and advisers to whom rabbis can turn when faced with personal difficulties. The present focus on mental health should also include rabbis. 

Rabbi Dr Martin van den Bergh
Bet Shemesh, Israel