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The JC letters page, 11th May 2018

Melvyn Lipitch, Frank Baigel, Martin D. Stern, Andrew Berkinshaw-Smith, Ruth Bayard, Brian Sacks, Renee Bravo, Charles Heller, Dr Habtnesh Ezra, and Robert Markless share their views with JC readers

May 11, 2017 14:25
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7 min read

State’s start-up

Jonathan Freedland (A rushed day of dreams when Israel was born, JC, May 4) writes that, on May 12 1948, the people’s administration voted by a majority of two in favour of declaring statehood.

However, there is no documentary evidence in the protocols of the meeting, of this vote ever taking place. This was later confirmed in a letter Ben-Gurion wrote to Mordecai Naor, from Sde Boker November 20, 1968 in which Ben Gurion stated he had no recollection of this vote.

The vote that did take place was whether to specify defined borders of the new state in the declaration, and to this proposal, the cabinet voted against.

Melvyn Lipitch