
Letters to the Editor, January 5 2024

Lord Carlisle, Israel and Hamas

January 4, 2024 15:34
Copy of 1898390068
Smoke billowing over the Gaza Strip on January 4, 2024, amid continuing battles between Israel and Hamas (Photo: Getty)
4 min read

Hamas’s propaganda war

Most of Lord Carlisle’s article (Israel is losing the propaganda war to Hamas, 29 December) is admirable in its sympathy for Israel. But the last few paragraphs are a kick in the teeth to Israel’s efforts to rid itself of Hamas.

First he suggests that many innocent lives could have been spared (leaving aside the fact that innocent lives are being sacrificed because of the actions of Hamas on October 7) “when strategic and tactical alternatives are available”. It surely behoves Lord Carlisle to spell out those alternatives if his argument is to have any traction at all, before he criticises Israel’s actions.

The argument about proportionality has been demolished, particularly by Douglas Murray. How many Gazans does the noble lord wish to be raped, tortured, and murdered in order to satisfy the requirement of proportionality?

True, Israel is losing the propaganda war. But that was lost before Israel started its counter attack. Many people, especially the young, have been brainwashed against Israel by social media - indeed against any concept of right and wrong. Given the fact that in all recent public opinion polls a significant majority both in Gaza and Judea and Samaria support Hamas and its aim to destroy Israel as well as Jews elsewhere, the view that what is needed is ”a more serious and palliative view of the future” on the part of the Israeli Government is pure pie in the sky.

Lionel Blumenthal

London NW11

Robert Bieber graciously concedes that Israel must destroy Hamas’s military threat, but “in doing so can’t destroy an idea, any more than the idea of Zionism can be destroyed” (Peace prospects, Letters, 29 December).

The “idea” of Hamas is fascism, based on the ideology of the Nazi Third Reich, which the victorious Allies comprehensively destroyed, enabling Germany to rejoin the civilised world.

He further mistakenly posits the oft-repeated notion that Israel’s military action risks Hamas being replaced by an even more radicalised version, given the war’s consequence of “two million impoverished, radicalised Palestinians on its doorstep”. The consequence of Germany’s defeat was the expulsion of twelve million ethnic Germans from Eastern European countries, yet there was no resulting “radicalisation” of those peoples.

The radicalisation of Palestinian society that presently exists, including in the “moderate” Palestinian Authority controlled area, begins in early youth, and pervades teaching materials, schools, the media and all aspects of daily life, so the idea of further radicalisation is nonsensical.

Israel’s government must concentrate on the single minded prosecution of this war ending in a decisive victory. Anything less will guarantee a much more devastating war in the near future.

Furthermore, It is not Israel’s responsibility to involve itself in Hamas’s replacement, other than to ensure that the threat to Israel from Gaza is permanently eliminated.

As to history having proven the necessity of negotiating peace with an enemy, again, the Allies disproved that idea. They did not negotiate with defeated Germany, which permanently lost territory as a result of its aggression, and peace in Europe followed.

Bieber’s examples of Britain’s conflicts in Ireland, Kenya and Cyprus bear no comparison to the Palestine/Israel conflict. As he grudgingly concedes, “none of them sought to destroy the UK”.

There is no possibility of negotiation with an enemy whose unbending, single minded pursuit is the stated destruction of the other. That is fantasy land, and such “negotiations” only result in concessions given unilaterally, giving the illusion of peace, but in reality bringing war nearer.

D Rosenthhal

London NW4

Robert Bieber’s letter gives me a wry smile. I imagine the Hamas hierarchy stroking chins thoughtfully as they read it, and agreeing that both sides must have a dialogue using moderate language, ceasing to demonise each other, and having no truck with “somewhat tired polemics”. There is as much chance of that as of their giving equal rights to women and gays.

How often do we hear that the two sides must get round a table, sit together and talk, and build a future in which two states can thrive? The question rarely asked and never answered is how. Sadistic and demonic they may be, but Hamas can’t be accused of being dishonest about their aims. They openly urge their followers to kill every Jew on the planet, and they aver that they will try to repeat October 7 as often as will be in their power.

So, Israel, lay down your arms for a one-sided ceasefire, and wait for the men in black to come and seek out your babies, children, your young women and your aged. You know it makes sense!

Frances Canning

Stanmore, Middx.

David Baddiel uses the London march against antisemitism as a metaphor for the conundrum of Jewish survival (Frankly, it really is a miracle that we have survived for so long, December 22). He contrasts the wonderful sense of solidarity on that day with the chaotic organisation at the start of the march.

In the diaspora this is the stuff of self-depreciating Jewish humour - the stock of Baddiel’s trade and itself a survival mechanism.

But in Israel it is deadly serious. Letting one’s guard down on Jewish holidays - woeful organisation by any other name - contributed to the Yom Kippur War and the October 7 attack by Hamas (compounded by a year of political conflict). The survival of diaspora Jews and their Israeli brethren over whom they have no control, is umbilically connected.

Stan Labovitch


AJEX are searching for family of Cpl. Harry Louis Woolf of 617 Armoured Assault Squadron, Royal Engineers, Tanks/Armoured cars, who was a Jewish man who died in the assault on Venray, Holland on 16th Oct 1944.

His grave is tended by the CWGC. However there is no record of his family ever visiting the grave. The local residents of Venray light a candle at his grave every Christmas Eve.

We are trying to locate his descendants to let them know more about Harry. If you are able to help, please let me know. 07806 656756.

Martin Sugarman

AJEX Archives

