Keren David

ByKeren David, Keren David


A murder, servants and an ambassador

The Jewish Chronicle archive, January 14 1938

January 11, 2024 11:44
1 min read

January 14 1938

The latest murder in Palestine

The terrorists in Palestine have claimed yet another distinguished victim in the person of the eminent archaeologist Mr J L Starkey who was shot in cold blood by a gang of armed Arabs while on his way to the opening of the Palestine Archeological Museum. This brilliant man, who had rendered inestimable service to the cause of scholarship and our knowledge of the past like the Jewish scholars previously murdered given no offence. He had no hand in any political development. His whole heart and soul was in the widening of human attainment. But these considerations meant nothing to the ruffiansly assassins who are out solely to take life, no matter whose and who, for they, according ro our Jerusalem correspondent, are now paid by results instead of receiving from the terrorist organisation a fixed salary as in the past.


Posts wanted for Jewish domestic servants

Viennese girls have given great satisfaction as domestic servants in England But, unfortunately, there are very few Jewish girls among them. Yet there are in Vienna many industrious and well-trained Jewish girls who would be only too glad to accept posts in English households. For many poor Jewish families in Vienna it would be a great help to secure a place for their daughters in an English Jewish home. Such employment would prove a boon both to English house- wives and to the Jewish girls themselves. I refer, of course, only to such girls as are efficient in domestic work, and suitable for posts as general-servants, cooks, or in other responsible domestic occupations The employment agency of the "Bund Judischer Frontsoldaten" has extended its activities so as to arrange for finding employment for good Jewish domestic servants in England, May I ask Jewish housewives who wish to enage a Viennese servant to write to me at the address below.—Mr Bela Fischer, Vienna XIII, Biraghygasse 55, Austria;

Why he left Germany

Mr. William E. Dodd, the retiring United States Ambassador to Germany, declared on his arrival in New York last week that he doubted if any American with his ideas of democracy could successfully represent the United States in Germany.

What could a representative of the United States do, he asked, in a "vast region where religious freedom is denied, where intellectual initiative, and discovery are not allowed, and where race hatreds are cultivated daily?' The democratic peoples, he said, must maintain their faiths at home; their representatives must try to improve inter- national co-operation; and on proper occasions they must remind men of the importance of world peace, easier commercial relations, and the significance of democratic civilisation for which the peoples have struggled since the sixteenth century.

