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Let's hear it for Israel's soaring fertility rate

The children of Israel are going forth and multiplying, across all sectors of society

July 13, 2023 10:32
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3 min read

A text from my daughter Leah, written while tanning her torso on the Tel Aviv seashore: “It’s the invasion of the cherubs at Charles Clore beach, Mum, everywhere you look there’s a gorgeous, chubby baby crawling in the sand. You’d love it.”

I certainly would. Babies are just my favourite thing. One reason I love summer within these temperate shores is because the nation’s tots are out, their pearly limbs on delectable display.

Yes, I am that middle-aged woman who stops and coos at every passing pram and pushchair.

It was probably written in the womb. When Leah came into the world, my career mum went part-time so I could continue to work full-time, but mostly, I suspect, so she could spend precious days with the family’s first grandchild. Dad was every bit as besotted. The image of him gazing in wonder at his brand new granddaughter as she slept in her Moses basket will stay with me for ever.

