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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


Legal idiots

June 12, 2007 24:00
1 min read

Libby Purves rips to shreds the Law Commission's idiotic proposal to give co-habiting couples the same rights as married couples: Some couples – I know and love many – jointly decide not to marry. Good luck to them. They don’t whimper for new laws; if they are wise they make legal arrangements about property ownership (like becoming tenants-in-common with appropriate shares) and ensure joint responsibility for children. If they are not wise, then by definition they are fools. You cannot frame every law to suit fools, even fools for love.

As Daniel Finkesletin puts it:

A couple decide not to get married because they don't wish to make a commitment with each other in law. Now the state decides that they can't do this. They don't need to have guests, a reception and a cake with white icing, but the rest of marriage - the rights, the responsibilities, the legal bond - that they must accept. Whether they want to or not.