
We cannot relent over Labour

April 6, 2016 19:00
1 min read

In recent months, we have reported a seemingly endless stream of stories about antisemitism and the Labour Party. Every week has brought a new example, meaning that a certain weariness is inevitable as the weeks — and stories — roll on.

A similar pattern follows each such report, with accusations that the JC is engaged in a witch-hunt against Jeremy Corbyn or even Labour itself.

This is nonsense. We would like nothing more than never again to have to report such a story. But the sheer frequency with which these events present themselves is itself indicative of the problem. Had Labour — specifically, the party leader — made a concerted effort to deal with antisemitism, there would be nothing to report.

Instead, as this week, Jeremy Corbyn simply issues his now standard response that he abhors all forms of racism and the matter is supposedly closed. Until the next example emerges.

To ignore these reports, or to underplay them, simply because they are so frequent would be a grave mistake. As we have said before, a cancer exists in the Labour Party, and it is getting worse.

This week’s revelation that activists have been targeting Louise Ellman because she is Jewish, and attacking her and other Jews over Israel at constituency party meetings, is especially concerning. The details are shocking. We should not let over-familiarity dull our outrage.