
ByAnonymous, Anonymous


There's no threat to shechitah here

March 13, 2014 11:49
1 min read

Another month, another attempt to curtail the right of Jews — and Muslims — to practise our religions. This time the threat is led by the president-elect of the British Veterinary Association. John Blackwell is simply wrong to assert that he has animal welfare on his side. Animal welfare is at the heart of shechita — which is more than can be said for some alternative slaughter methods. But this week has been heartening for the clear rejection of Mr Blackwell’s demand by David Cameron in his speech to the Knesset and Nick Clegg, who said he did not come into politics to curtail freedom. And with Ed Miliband on record as pledging to protect both shechita and brit milah, there is no threat from within the UK. Europe, on the other hand...