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The JC Leader: Reject rejection

The Jewish Chronicle Leader column, September 15, 2017

September 15, 2017 16:08
1 min read

An uncle attends his nephew’s wedding. What could be more natural and heart-warming? Unfortunately, that’s not the way that everyone sees it. At least, not when the nephew in question is getting married to another man.

Such was the case of the nephew of Yigal Gueta, the MK, who, having attended the happy event, has felt forced to resign as a Knesset member after being denounced by a flock of indignant Sephardi rabbis.

The treatment of LGBT people is an issue that has frequently caused controversy in the Jewish world of late. In the UK, the most recent example was the reaction — again from the rabbinic right — to the call by Rabbi Dweck, of the Spanish & Portuguese community, for an approach to homosexuality more nuanced than outright condemnation. (It was noticeable at this week’s Board of Deputies dinner that Rabbi Dweck was greeted by spontaneous applause.)

The mainstream community may not want to see gay weddings in Orthodox shuls but many, like Mr Gueta, would offer support to family members and friends at their celebrations, in a spirit of love and acceptance.