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The JC Leader: Patel disaster...Mend madness

The Jewish Chronicle Leader column, November 10 2017

November 9, 2017 12:24
1 min read

Patel disaster

There are any number of depressing elements to the Priti Patel affair. But for our community, by far the worst is the credence it will give to the conspiracy theorists and Israel-haters who have for years argued that Israel exercises undue influence in British politics.

No such allegation is made against other nations, which spend far more money on lobbying and hold far more sway; but the libel of the all-powerful Jew is as potent now as ever.

The worry is that we will now have to spend untold time and energy countering even more baseless accusations of conspiracies — time and energy that could otherwise be spent on the many real, practical issues that need attention. As one senior community figure puts it in our coverage: “This will set us back 20 years.”