
The JC Leader: Hassell Must Go...Time To Give

The Jewish Chronicle Leader column, December 22, 2017

December 21, 2017 15:20
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1 min read

Hassell must go

There is something truly disgusting about the treatment meted out to the family of Barry Davis by Mary Hassell, the inner London coroner. As if was not bad enough that her office told them that they would not be given his body for at least 13 days, they were then treated with contempt when they objected. It was only when the JC made contact with her office that the supposedly insuperable delays disappeared.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time Ms Hassell has demonstrated that she has a problem with Jewish (and Muslim) burial practices — indeed, one has to say, with Jews.

Last year, for example, she was reprimanded by the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office for publicising a letter in which she alleged that she was being “bullied” by Jews.

And in 2015 the High Court found in favour of a Jewish family who had resisted an order from her for an invasive autopsy on a relative instead of a scan.

Ms Hassell has demonstrated too many times that she is the wrong woman in the wrong job. She must be removed.

Time to give

Our community is no stranger to volunteering. Quite the opposite — most communal activities depend on it. But over the next couple of weeks, we can make an even bigger difference outside, as non-Jewish organisations lose support from their usual volunteers for whom Christmas celebrations come first.

Last year over 1200 of us helped out; this year there are still 300 or so places that need filling. Details at lightupalife.org.uk