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The JC Leader extra: Trump's day of shame

On just one day — Friday 27th January 2017 — President Trump managed to shame his office not once but twice.

January 30, 2017 11:53
2 min read

There is an oft-cited phrase, first coined by Mario Cuomo, that politicians campaign in poetry and govern in prose.

A variation of this needs to be employed when considering Donald Trump. The US president campaigned with a dog whistle and is governing in bigotry.

On just one day – Friday 27th January – President Trump managed to shame his office not once but twice.

First, his executive order barring entry to the US to citizens of seven primarily Muslim states was rightly described by Benjamin Wittes, a legal expert at the bipartisan Brookings Institution, as a combination of malevolence and incompetence. Malevolence, because the list of countries affected shows that it has nothing to do with security and everything to do with bigotry and internal political positioning. Syrian victims of Russian bombing are prevented even from applying for refuge. And yet citizens of those nations which have conducted acts of terrorism on US soil – such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt – are unaffected.