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The JC Leader: Apprehension... A telling contrast

The Jewish Chronicle Leader column, May 19 2017

May 19, 2017 12:48
1 min read


The election of Donald Trump was greeted by some Israel advocates, and many in Israel, with joy. Here at last, they said, was a US President who was unambiguously pro-Israel and who would always look out for Israel’s interests. This week’s events expose how misguided that view always was — and just how unsuitable this boorish man is for office. For one thing, the diplomatic chaos in the run-up to his visit to Israel next week shows that he has no understanding of what Israel even wants — let alone the grasp of history and regional reality that should be a prerequisite for any US president. But it was his casual disclosure to the Russians of top secret Israeli intelligence that has been most shocking, blithely betraying the secrets of a close ally. One wonders with horrified apprehension what will happen during his tour of the Middle East. President Trump is unworthy of even the most basic level of trust. Only one thing has ever mattered to Donald Trump: Donald Trump.

A telling contrast

Last October, two Jewish students at Christ’s College, Cambridge were abused by fellow students. When they complained, the college brushed them aside. So it is good to report that its own internal inquiry has pulled no punches in detailing the college’s failings — and the Master of Christ’s has made a fulsome apology. The college deserves praise. Instead of digging its heels in, it has learned from its mistakes. What a contrast with the Vice Chancellor of Oxford who, over a year after Baroness Royall found that students at the OU Labour Club were abused, has still refused to answer a single question in explanation of why the university has taken no action against any of the perpetrators.