
Tell us who you are

December 28, 2012 09:09
1 min read

In one sense, everything that appears within these pages is based on the theme of Jewish identity. So it is appropriate that we are today launching, with JW3, what we hope will be the largest mass participation exercise ever on Jewish identity.

Apart from the inherent interest in finding out how we define ourselves, the idea that in a century's time our descendants will be able to unearth this treasure trove is especially exciting. Imagine how fascinating it would be were we able now to examine responses from 1913. Ideas which we now take for granted - such as Israel itself - did not even exist then.

And much that was prosaically normal 100 years ago is now, literally, from another age. We look forward with great anticipation to receiving your contributions at www.myjewishidentity.co.uk

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