
ByAnonymous, Anonymous


Legitimate protest

August 11, 2011 10:18
1 min read

As we watch 200,000 people march through Tel Aviv and gangs of thugs run riot in British cities, there will be some who are tempted to make some sort of connection.

Events have that effect on otherwise sensible people. The plain truth, however, is that the two are polar opposites and the idea of any lessons to be drawn by comparing the two is simply idiotic. The British yobs are criminals who should be punished, and are held in contempt by all decent people. The Israeli marchers are excercising their democratic right to protest in pursuit of a political agenda. They are concerned with the soaring cost of living, especially house and food prices. And they are a model of how to protest: peaceful and articulate. The young Israeli protesters - who represent virtually every section of society - are an expression of a disquiet and anger, extending well beyond those out on the streets, that a nation founded on the idea of equality is now so riven. Their demands will not go away, whatever happens in the short term to the protestors. And the political consequences of that will be felt in many different ways.