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ByAnonymous, Anonymous


A very bad business

March 10, 2016 10:27
1 min read

The timing could not have been more exquisite. On the very day on which Sajid Javid, the Business Secretary, announced that he will be leading a delegation of British business leaders to Iran, the theocratic state test-launched two ballistic missiles with the phrase “Israel must be wiped out” written in Hebrew on the side. Mr Javid once memorably remarked that, if he had to leave Britain for the Middle East, he would, as a Muslim, choose to live in Israel, where his children would feel the “warm embrace of freedom and liberty”. Some freedom that would be if Israel was wiped off the map. Mr Javid is now leading the charge to embrace the “almost unlimited” opportunities offered to do business in Iran — which remains, by some margin, the world’s leading funder of terror. Even the Russians have now reportedly decided to cancel the deal to sell their S-300 surface-to-air missiles to Iran, given the near certainty that some would find their way into Hizbollah’s hands. And yet the West has decided that none of this matters. Sanctions have been lifted and we are, as a matter of deliberate policy, attempting to enrich Iran as quickly as possible. Nothing more starkly illustrates the decay of Western leadership than the wilful blindness that refuses to acknowledge that much of that new wealth will end up sponsoring even more terrorism.