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Melanie Phillips

ByMelanie Phillips, Melanie Phillips


Labour will never eradicate its antisemitism until the Left acknowledges racism elsewhere

Melanie Philips looks at the mind-set of those who allow hate to fester

February 28, 2019 14:47
3 min read

There can be no doubting the anguish felt by decent Labour party members over the terrible poison of antisemitism that has corrupted their cause. As Harold Wilson said in another era, Labour is a moral crusade or it is nothing.

After the departure from the party of nine MPs, wholly or in part over the failure to deal with its antisemitism, deputy leader Tom Watson warned of a crisis over its soul.

Those who, like Watson, are appalled but are staying put say they are fighting to rescue the party. But it cannot be rescued. It is not just that there have been so many incidents of antisemitic abuse and bullying. It’s not just that the party has been captured by the hard left. It’s not just that Jeremy Corbyn refuses to acknowledge a problem that he himself embodies.

The problem goes much further than the Corbynistas. For the virus of this bigotry is carried by the cause that serves grotesquely as the international marker of conscience for western progressive circles.