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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


Knife attacks: damned lies and crime figures (Daily Mail)

July 18, 2008 24:00
4 min read

I have a piece in today's Mail on the crime stats. Here's an extract:

Well that's OK then. Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said yesterday that she is 'extremely pleased' that the Government has exceeded its target for reducing crime. What a surprise! Home Secretaries always claim that crime is falling. The Left-liberal consensus, typified by the BBC, pushes the same line and dismisses any claims that Britain is suffering from an epidemic of crime.

For example, when people call phone-in programmes and point out that in their childhood they could play safely in the streets, or leave their front door open when they left the house, they are chastised for talking nonsense. The mantra is repeated: Look at the figures! Crime is down!

Yet the truth is that most people have an instinctive understanding that crime is a lot worse than it used to be. Although it is difficult to sort the reliable evidence from the massaged statistics, the evidence is clear. Things are worse than the official statistics suggest.