Some examples of reference works using the names Judea and Samaria:
•A map published by the US State Department designating the Middle East’s “Military Situation” on July 18, 1948 calls the “Arab held” area north of Jerusalem “Samaria”
•In A Survey of Palestine prepared by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry in December 1945 and January 1946 the authors used the titles “Judea” and “Samaria” as a matter of course when referring to what later became the “West Bank” following the illegal annexation recognised by just GB and Pakistan to their eternal shame since now they seem to think they belonged to the Palestinians who hadn't been invented at the time.
•In United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 adopted November 29, 1947, the world body referred to Judea and Samaria by those historical names
•Every edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, writes extensively concerning the areas politically called the West Bank, and calls them by their historically accurate names: Samaria and Judea. The fact that the “West Bank” is not mentioned once in the 1954 edition of the Encyclop?dia Britannica indicates just how recently this title entered popular usage, and just how quickly, and deeply, it has taken root. However calling Judea and Samaria the "West Bank" is about as accurate as calling St Petersburg, Leningrad i.e. not accurate at all!