Comment is Free has an interesting piece by Alan Johnson on neoconitis:an all-purpose insult for anyone who still believes that American power is inextricable from global stability and still thinks the muscular anti-totalitarian US interventionism that brought down Slobodan Milosevic has a place.Do read the whole piece.
But while you're about it, take a look at the comments. CiF has become a hot bed of the kind of noxious anti-Americanism which so infects the Left. And with that, as night follows day, comes a large dose of antisemitism, which the Guardian editors always seem happy to leave up. Take this comment, below. I know of two people who emailed to complain about it, but the CiF editors appear not to consider it in any way improper, since as I write it remains in place (I realise that I am giving it wider currency by copying it, but I hope you agree that there's a useful purpose in so doing):Do you guys ever think when you write out all of this propaganda? It doesn't seem like it. You say this stuff about "A cabal controlling the word for Israel" in a dismissive tone, and talk about reading things in a falsetto voice as if it is all ridiculous.
Then you go on to list people in your article for various things. Let's take a look at that list.
Paul Berman - jewish name
Roger Cohen - jewish name
Joe Lieberman - definitely jewish
Adam Michnik - jewish name
Jurgen Habermas - jewish name?
Tony Blair - Zionist tool
George Bush - Zionist tool
Bernard Kouchner - definitely jewish
So. There is no cabal controlling the world for Israel and jewish people, but half of the people you list in your article are jewish, or their actions over the past 7 years have proved that they work for the zionists.
I am guessing the non jewish names are neocon collaborators who have just not been exposed yet. In a year or 5, we will find out they have connections to some neocon institute somewhere or the other. Or they are married to a jewish person like Kofi Annan is.
That really surprised me. I could never figure out why Kofi Annan was so pro Israel until I found that out. That's far from untypical of the CiF comments section. And it's a useful reminder of the mindset of so much of the Left today.