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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


It's the Jews, it's the Jews.

January 15, 2008 24:00
1 min read

Comment is Free has an interesting piece by Alan Johnson on neoconitis:an all-purpose insult for anyone who still believes that American power is inextricable from global stability and still thinks the muscular anti-totalitarian US interventionism that brought down Slobodan Milosevic has a place.Do read the whole piece.

But while you're about it, take a look at the comments. CiF has become a hot bed of the kind of noxious anti-Americanism which so infects the Left. And with that, as night follows day, comes a large dose of antisemitism, which the Guardian editors always seem happy to leave up. Take this comment, below. I know of two people who emailed to complain about it, but the CiF editors appear not to consider it in any way improper, since as I write it remains in place (I realise that I am giving it wider currency by copying it, but I hope you agree that there's a useful purpose in so doing):Do you guys ever think when you write out all of this propaganda? It doesn't seem like it. You say this stuff about "A cabal controlling the word for Israel" in a dismissive tone, and talk about reading things in a falsetto voice as if it is all ridiculous.

Then you go on to list people in your article for various things. Let's take a look at that list.