ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard
Lord Malloch Brown, I ask you! A man suffused with the terror appeasing voice of the FCO. Here's what he had to say in the FT last August: It's not helpful for it again to appear to be the team that led on Iraq or even on Afghanistan. It's not helpful to couch this war in the language of international terrorism. Hizbollah employs terrorist tactics, it is an organisation however whose roots historically are completely separate and different from Al Qaeda.As I put it at the time: You can hear it now, can't you? "It is not helpful to couch our discussions with Herr Hitler in the language of international conquest. The Chancellor employs aggressive tactics, but Germany has a historic presence in the Rheinland, Sudetenland and Poland. We need to look at events from Herr Hitler's point of view, and reach a satisfactory accomodation with his desires, which spring from German history".