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It's crazy to stop triple vaxxed and boosted loved ones from entering Israel

There is no logic in letting Israeli citizens fly off to America or Germany or anywhere they fancy but not allowing anyone in

December 16, 2021 11:34
Aircraft fuselage and engine
2 min read

My mum’s coming to Israel for Christmas. Oh, hold on, no she’s not. She can’t get in: tourists are banned. Never mind. I’ll go to London for Christmas. Oh, hold on. I can’t – Israel has made the UK a Red country and it’s now illegal for me to go there because I’m an Israeli citizen. I’m also a British citizen, but I’m not sure Israel cares much for this duality. What it cares about right now is keeping Omicron out, even though it’s already basically in.

I’m all for protecting ourselves. In January I joined a Hebrew language Facebook group called “Vaccine Hunting Between Friends”. Members of the group would tip each other off when they heard about surplus vaccine stock. One night, I took a slightly illegal lockdown bus ride to Bat Yam in the hope of getting a jab earlier than I was meant to (I failed: the vaccination centre was closed).

I got my booster in mid-August and felt extremely lucky to have an antibody boost way before most other people of my age in the entire world.

But I’m also pro mental health. Pro family. Pro having a cup of tea with a loved one in-person more than once a year.