
It woz CND wot dun it

November 24, 2016 22:48
1 min read

I think that someone posing as Kate Hudson, the Chairwoman of CND, has stolen her identity and posted in her name at Comment is Free. Because the piece is so hilariously stupid that it is clearly designed to make her look like an idiot:

Today we heard that the US has secretly withdrawn its 110 free-fall nuclear bombs from an RAF base at Lakenheath in Suffolk. The US has had nuclear bombs in Britain, under the guise of Nato, since the 1950s – outside any accountability or democratic control from the British government or parliament.

Why? Because:

They have been the focus of protest since they first arrived and similar stocks in western European countries have also been the subject increasing protest.

And did you know that CND was also responsible for the removal of Cruise missiles? It's a really funny skit; I just wonder who wrote it - they have a future in satire.

As one of the commenters puts it:

Only now, 18 years after the end of the cold war, are American nukes being removed completely. Hooray! Britain has become a nuclear-weapon free zone has it?

It hasn't?
