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Michael Wegier

ByMichael Wegier, Michael Wegier


It is vital that we protect our charity ecosystem

The idea that staff should be laid off must be removed from the agenda, the former chief executive of UJIA argues

April 5, 2020 11:28
Staff must be shielded too, Michael Wegier says
4 min read

“In every generation they rise up to destroy us”. This Pesach, it is pretty clear that in addition to discussing Egyptian slavery and latter-day antisemites, we will also be discussing the devastating impact of Covid-19.

Along with all other sectors of society, the virus has thrown the charity sector into crisis management mode. This begs the question, how should the Jewish community respond with reference to our communal charities, foundations and donors?

In the immediate future, our first priority must be to support, financially and otherwise, sufferers from the virus and their families, which will include members of our community. We have already seen that the percentage of Jewish victims in the UK is disproportionately high.

Beyond this, we must also consider that our community charities’ beneficiaries and employees are inevitably a second wave of victims as funding sources dry up. This will have deep implications for the coming months and long into the future. I would like to explore what else we should be doing to both get through the next months and prepare for “the day after”.