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It is time for Cameron to reject the EU nutters

November 24, 2016 20:54
2 min read

As David Cameron settles more and more comfortably into his alliance with the LibDems, another of the Tory Party's alliances remains anything but comfortable.

The new PM should urgently rethink his party's decision to form a European Parliament grouping with people described by Cameron's new coalition deputy as "nutters, antisemites, people who deny climate change exists and homophobes".

It is indeed an unseemly crew, including as it does Holocaust distorters, and glorifiers of Nazi collaborators. Back in March, I joined the small group of protesters against the (large) Waffen SS march in Riga, Latvia and told the Times reporter David Charter: "This is a glorification of the Third Reich and the Waffen-SS in a state that is part of Nato and the EU. We know that David Cameron is not a fascist but he should have the moral strength to admit he made a mistake".

Cameron may have been merely trying to prove his Eurosceptic credentials when he left the mainstream alliance of Sarkozy and Merkel to join the eastern-led alliance, but his decision was a reckless one that needs to be reconsidered.