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It is our duty to stand up for the Uighurs

The Vice President of the Board of Deputies says references to the Holocaust in highlighting the plight of the Uighurs honours the memory of its victims

August 6, 2020 09:21
Uighurs being loaded on to trains
2 min read

During the last few weeks, a light has been shone on a human tragedy in China that has affected millions of people, mainly the Uighur Muslim community and other religious minorities: the Uzbek, the Tajiks,the Kyrgiz and the Khazakhs.
According to the latest Chinese census, the Uighur population is approximately 12 million - but other sources put the number between 20-25 million, primarily living in north-western China in the autonomous region of Xinjang, previously referred to as East Turkistan. 

Over the past decade, the Chinese apparatus has increasingly begun to tighten its grip against religious practices and freedom of expression. Under the guise of security and fighting terrorism, up to a million citizens, mainly Uighur, have been incarcerated in camps which the Chinese government refer to as "vocational education and training centres" but which resemble prisons where detainees are subject to torture, mass surveillance and indoctrination.
The reports were shocking beyond belief but the silence of the international community was even more so. Here was talk about the trimming of men’s beards, the forced sterilisation of women, organ transplants and millions of people constantly surveyed and persecuted for no reason other than their religious beliefs.

Could this really be happening under our noses in the 21st century?
Armed with authenticated witness testimonies and well researched material supplied by the distinguished human rights charity Rene Cassin, the Board of Deputies held a joint event in January with the World Uighur Congress at the House of commons entitleed: A Warning for Humanity – Uighurs in China.
In a round-table event with Jewish organisations, we introduced the subject and discussed public awareness programmes and wrote letters to the FCO and to the special envoy for Freedom of Religion and Belief, warning of the dire and intolerable situation.
Rahima Mahmut, the brave and articulate UK representative of the World Uighur Congress speaks warmly about the early and critical support received from the Jewish community. She left her home and family 20 years ago and has not been back or seen her family since.
Just as in the case of George Floyd, one piece of evidence shocked the world. In this instance it was news about a shipment of 13 tons of human hair, almost certainly removed from Uighur prisoners. It triggered a global reaction with the international community finally awake to this human tragedy and beginning to ask questions and demand answers.
After a week of extensive and unprecedented coverage in the media, Board of Deputies President Marie van der Zyl wrote a powerful open letter to the Chinese Ambassador invoking images from the dark hours of humanity when Jews in Europe were packed and herded in cattle carts. Her letter urges China to throw open the doors of the camps and ensure justice and freedom of expression for the victims.
This is a campaign we can all get involved in by getting in touch with our local MP and writing protest letters to the Chinese embassy. Standing for and with other faith and racial groups in their hour of need does not detract but rather enhances our work  for the community.

Making references to similarities with the Holocaust to alert the world about a potential genocide does not devalue its uniqueness but, I believe, honours the memory of its victims.
Taking the lead and initiative on issues of human rights, anti-racism and protecting freedom of expression for all has placed the Board of Deputies in pole position as a model faith group and enhanced our abilities to protect the interest and welfare of our Jewish community.
Edwin Shuker is Vice President of the Board of Deputies