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Israel’s self-defence always offends more than the jihadi atrocities that triggered it

Hamas is not the IRA. This is a war that must be won

March 20, 2025 17:19
Israeli troops gather standing atop a tank on the border with the Gaza Strip (Getty)
3 min read

If not war, then what? This is the question that Israel’s detractors should be called upon to answer.

Since the IDF resumed the fighting in Gaza after the collapse of the ceasefire deal, the West has been up in arms about a return to bloodshed. With dreary predictability, the cant of “international law” — which these days is defined by its exceptional treatment of Israel, the very opposite of its founding principle of universalism — has been wheeled out as a battering ran against the Jewish state.

Yes, the foreign secretary was put back in his box by Number 10, which always keeps a wary eye on both sides while advancing an anti-Israel agenda below the radar. Don’t aggravate the Jews, David! You’ve gone full Tonto too soon! Let’s do this properly! Or words to that effect.

But there was no mistaking the mood of the international community as Israel grimly sent its boys once more into harm’s way to wrest its last living hostages from the terror dungeons under Gaza. Take a step back and it’s quite apparent: the world is always far more aggrieved by the measures Israel takes to defend its people than the jihadi atrocities that demand them.