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Israel was not wrong to ban Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar from entering

Every democracy stops people with views it deems harmful from visiting. Why should Israel be any different?

August 16, 2019 09:31
Congresswomen Ilhan Omar (l) and Rashida Tlaib (r)
2 min read

Here we go again.

There is a trap into which diaspora Jews, including myself, often fall into. It goes something like this.

The first step is that something will happen in Israel, or the Israeli government will decide to do something highly controversial. Consequently, Jews outside Israel will pile in, condemning, describing the action (whatever it is) as making Israel look bad.

Except that the real concern is less to do with Israel and more to do with ourselves – the worry that it makes us, as supporters of Israel, look bad in the eyes of others.