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Islamists and the Left are linked in rejecting the Enlightenment

They are bound together by a shared belief that history took a wrong turn that has to be undone by reversing its ideas

August 5, 2021 11:05
5 min read

One of the most puzzling features of politics over the past 30 years or so, not just in Britain but in Europe more widely and indeed lately in the US, has been the way in which Islamists and the Left have made common cause in a combined assault on the western liberal order. This has recently become a matter of broader public debate partly because of the response by the current French government to what it describes as “islamo-gauchisme” — mirrored in various ways in Austria and elsewhere. Predictably, the New York Times and other establishment newspapers in the US have accused France and Austria of racism and Islamophobia. Equally predictably, they’re wrong. Here’s why.

The concepts of “Islamism” and the “western liberal order” need unpacking, of course. In a 2020 Policy Exchange paper on the subject my co-authors and I examined in detail why Islamists and certain people on the Left dislike the latter so much: I take it in general to mean the commonly accepted rights, freedoms, practices and habits of mind which we have inherited from the European Enlightenment. These include individual equality before the law, free and independent thought and speech, a tolerant and reasoned understanding of complexity, and the tools to change any or all of this for the better by rational public debate, and democratic consent.

And yet we now find ourselves in a position where these things, which we once regarded as self-evident, are deemed structurally oppressive and indeed racist both by Islamists – who have always been hostile to the secular-liberal order — and certain groups on the Left. They have, that is, become allies. Given that Islamists are generally strongly against many of the things for which the Left claim to stand — gender equality, freedom of sexual choice, freedom of religion, the secular nature of the public sphere and so forth — this is very odd.

It has led to a situation where liberal or secular Muslims can be stigmatised not just by Islamists but by many on the Left as ideological enemies, with Marx’s class-based materialism replaced — in a bizarre adaptation of colonial-era taxonomies — by re-imagined racial, religious and communal identities. As a result, in 2019 the Swiss-Moroccan writer and secular activist, Kacem El Ghazzali, could write, “I criticised political Islam and identity politics. And suddenly I’m a Rightist. Why? The world has simply gone mad. Atheist “progressives” defend the freedom of women to veil. Reactionary Islamists cheer them on. Both agitate against “the white man”. Anyone who doesn’t go along is “radical right”. What’s at stake is enlightenment and free thinking”.