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Iran and its allies are calling the shots at the UN

A cabal of the world’s worst human-rights abusers work to protect themselves and attack Israel

September 7, 2023 14:45
3 min read

Iran’s appointment as the next chair of the UN Human Rights Council social forum is the latest example of a trend I describe in my book Authoritarian Century, where our enemies get a vote in our success as democratic societies. Increasingly, the balance of power is tilting away from the West to developing countries that harbour antisemitism.

These countries have much to gain by working together and are building a grand anti-democratic coalition including Iran, China, Russia and North Korea, and using their resources to autocratise smaller states multilaterally. When China broke the Hong Kong Declaration for the umpteenth time in 2019 by violently suppressing the Hong Kong protests, it did so knowing full well that 43 of its Belt and Road Initiative partners would be supporting it. Beijing has effectively picked up the baton from the USSR, assembling a cabal of the most human rights- abusive nations to protect each other from criticism. Israel is condemned at every opportunity, while violations in countries such as Pakistan often pass without even a discussion. This is the soft power of authoritarianism.

The most well-known example of this is via the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), a body ostensibly designed to uphold the principles of human rights worldwide, but which has devolved into a platform that not only disproportionately condemns Israel but also legitimises antisemitism on a global scale. One need not look far to find evidence of the UNHRC’s obsession with Israel. A nation the size of New Jersey has faced more condemnations from the council than the rest of the world combined. It reflects that the council’s motivations and integrity are beholden to countries with some of the worst human rights records on the planet.

The US and its European allies were able to block Syria from being given a UNHRC seat after having authorised the slaughter of tens of thousands, but could not prevent the admission of Venezuela, another serial human rights abuser. Preventing entryism by antisemitic and authoritarian regimes is a game we may end up losing. We need to strengthen an “alliance of democracies” where these institutions are now failing.
