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Instead of arresting those who pose a danger to Jews, the police hope we will sequester ourselves away

How is this meant to reassure the Jewish community, or indeed any law-abiding citizen?

October 20, 2023 15:32
Police officers stand beside the CAA's digital bill billboards in London (Photo: CAA)
3 min read

On Wednesday I experienced one of the most disturbing incidents that I have seen in nearly a decade at Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA).

Since last weekend, we have been leading a campaign to raise awareness of the plight of Hamas’s hostages, including through leaflets and posters, billboards and digital vans that travel around London displaying the images of some of the child captives.

The images note that Hamas has kidnapped them and calls for their return — that is literally all it is. Given that Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organisation, this should not be controversial.

We know, sadly, that there are some in London who openly or privately support Hamas and the pogrom that it carried out in southern Israel, or are sympathetic to its objectives and methods. We therefore expected that there may be pockets of opposition from terrorist-sympathisers and their fellow travellers. What we did not expect was opposition from the Metropolitan Police.