An open letter from the spoon-bending celebrity to President Biden
June 27, 2024 16:38Dear Mr President,
I hope this reaches you. I know you’re a very busy man. You’re the leader of the free world. You’ve also got an election to fight. There’s a lot on your plate right now. If you win in November, you’ll be safe. If you don’t win, well you’ll still be safe, retiring to one of your two secluded mansions. You’ll sleep well at night, and why not?
After all, you won’t need to worry about heavily armed terrorists pouring out of tunnels into Delaware or Washington and murdering, raping and kidnapping everyone in sight. You won’t have to worry about thousands of high-precision missiles raining down, killing Americans, destroying neighbourhoods and pulverising vital infrastructure. And you won’t need to worry that missiles will be specifically aimed at your nuclear weapons sites, with the aim of causing a modern-day Hiroshima on American soil.
On the other hand, we here in Israel do. We have to worry about invasions, terrorism and missiles from the south, the north and the east. And not for the first time, but for the umpteenth time since our state was born just three years after the Holocaust - you know, the state to whose security you yourself gave an “ironclad” commitment just two months ago. Well, I happen to know a thing or two about iron, because I’m Uri Geller, and I happen to know that it can bend. Looks like you do too because, Mr President, your “ironclad commitment” is as brittle as a spoon in my hands.
Let me remind you that just one month before the horrific massacre of Jews and others by Iran’s terror puppet Hamas, you showered Iran with $6bn - and then you gave them $10bn more!
You said there could be no ceasefire in Gaza unless the hostages were released - then overnight you changed your mind. What a betrayal of the families who depended on you to stand firm. And now we learn that your administration has put the brakes on the flow of weapons to Israel which it needs to fight Hamas.
Well, Mr President, your “ironclad” commitment is not worth the paper your speechwriters wrote it on. You have failed Israel. Your closest ally is being attacked by annihilationist regimes, and instead of stepping forward, you stepped back.
But don’t feel too disappointed, because it is not really your fault. We know you don’t really make the decisions. You’re long past doing that. It is cruel that the real powers abuse a feeble senior such as yourself by making you go through this daily pantomime as if you’ve got a mind of your own.
Your administration is rammed full of Obama acolytes with a pathological hatred of the only Jewish state and one true democracy in the Middle East. Barack Obama, who could barely ever conceal his contempt for Israel. Barack Obama, who put Iran on the path to a nuclear bomb. Barack Obama, who spent eight years putting one-sided pressure on Israel and none on the side which is and always has been the real obstacle to peace. Barack Obama, who slammed relations with Israel into reverse. Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran all have allies in the White House, it is obvious.
Washington under Obama and Biden has thrown Israel under a bus, and driven over us again and again. Israel is fighting for its life, which is just what Washington has wanted. But mark my words, this is a fight that Israel will win. We will defeat our enemies, even with America holding us back, and if justice prevails in November your poison will be drained from the White House, the curtains will come down on your puppet show and this shameful era and nefarious plan of yours will be consigned to the dustbin of history.