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I'm bringing Orthodox feminism to college

March 12, 2015 12:07
1 min read

My batmitzvah was unconventional. Instead of just reading a dvar torah in shul, or having a big party, I leyned in a women's teffilah service on Rosh Chodesh Kislev. From a chumash.

I was extremely lucky to have been able to do so in my own community, making me, apparently, the first girl to leyn in a United Synagogue building.

In January this year, I sat in the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, New York, an Orthodox community, and watched a batmitzvah girl leyn her entire portion from a Torah as well as the whole haftorah in a women's teffilah service, heard by her family and friends (male and female), something, I couldn't do. The experience was clearly significant for her and strengthened her connection to Judaism.

As I listened, I reflected on why I became an Orthodox feminist and on my new role as the only representative of the Jewish Feminist Orthodox Alliance at a British university campus.