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Rina Wolfson

ByRina Wolfson, rina wolfson


I’ll never walk alone thanks to Liverpool FC

As my brain tries to make sense of my recent cancer diagnosis, those formative Liverpool years carry more weight and meaning

July 2, 2020 13:29
3 min read

When I was young, actually for most of my childhood, there was an unbroken rhythm to the year. As day follows night, the cycle of the year was constant and dependable. And for most of my formative years, the annual calendar of fixed celebrations went something like this:

September: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Succot. December: Chanukah. March: Purim. April: Pesach. June: Liverpool win the football.

Liverpool winning the football occurred with such regularity that I honest-to-God believed it was a fixed event in the calendar. An annual fixture, celebrated and observed like clockwork, every year.

Just as there were set customs for celebrating the religious festivals, so too the football victory brought with it unbreakable rituals. We’d all of us — the whole family — stand outside the house, in LFC scarves and t-shirts, and wait for hours for the football bus to drive past.