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Noa Gendler

ByNoa Gendler, Noa Gendler


I used to sneer at twice-a-year Jews - now I'm one of them

October 25, 2016 09:06
2 min read

Surprisingly, I actually enjoyed the high holy days this year.

I was dreading them, because I often feel so disingenuous, going to shul and reciting the words, when I’ve actively avoided religion for the rest of the year.

I used to sneer at twice-a-year Jews, and wonder what the point was, what they hoped to get out of it – and now I’ve become one of them. And, what’s more, my current lack of association feels even more painful on the days which used to be the most important to me.

But somehow, they weren’t that bad this time around. I enjoyed the sermons, thought-provoking and intelligent as they always are from our rabbis; I found it easier, as ever, to follow in my machzor, which in itself lends me a sense of achievement; I engaged with the singing and found I could take it seriously even without fully believing it. I managed to not bicker with my family, faint during the fast, or snap at the people chatting behind me.