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I used to love my name, before Jeffrey ruined it

The Beatles’ Brian has made me hugely proud, but now there’s a much worse association

February 25, 2022 10:01
3 min read

I was 15 years old when I discovered the Beatles. The Fab Four had actually split more than a decade earlier. However, until the early 1980s their music largely passed me by. I was too diverted by other giants of popular culture, namely, err, Duran Duran, to notice.

But then one morning a friend brought a Beatles album into school and suggested I have a listen. I was hooked. Soon, anything to do with the Beatles, or indeed Liverpool, became something of an obsession. When the same pal went to stay with her grandma on the Wirral, the very notion of breathing in the Merseyside air - even if it was the posh bit - was desperately exciting.

But perhaps most thrilling of all was discovering that I shared a surname with the Beatles' manager, Brian Epstein. Now I had a real connection to the band. It may have been as flimsy as star dust but who cared? Not me. After all it was "Mr Epstein" as John, George, Ring and Macca would call him, who signed up this group of unknown Liverpool lads after watching them play in the Cavern club one November lunchtime in 1961.

Epstein is, of course, an unremarkable name in the cholent belt of north Manchester where I live. The best it does is trigger staccato questions: Are you related to the wine/furniture people? (No and no.) Is your cousin Sylvia/Marion/Jonathan? (Again, no.)