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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


I got my atonement in early after all

September 13, 2007 24:00
1 min read

So, Mrs-P-to-be suggested we see Atonement, and off we trotted. Despite my remarks on Monday, I went with an open mind. There are few better pleasures than unexpected pleasures, and I hoped this would be one of those.

If only. As I write, the film is still playing at the Phoenix. We, however, are at home having a drink. I felt a sense of torpor almost immediately, brought on by the languid photography, the portentous music, the lingering shots, and the - there's really no other way of putting it - dreadful acting. The characters - caricatures, rather - were uniformly dull.

Early on, Mrs-P-to-be whispered to me: "it's very...beautiful". I wasn't sure if she was being complimentary or pointing out that that is all it was. I found out after about three quarters of an hour that we were on the same wavelength when she said: "It's boring, isn't it?" When I nodded, she asked if I wanted to leave. I asked if she did. "Yes", she replied, as if released from a dreadful burden.